What do chiropractors do?

     Chiropractors treat the spinal column to restore proper alignment. Proper alignment of the spinal column is important because the spinal column houses a critical part of the body, the nervous system. The nervous system is THE most important system of the entire body as it controls and coordinates every cell, tissue, muscle, gland and organ.  This system is responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses or messages to and from the brain. It is important that these nerve impulses are allowed to flow free of interference so the body is allowed to function optimally. 

What is a subluxation?

     The vertebral subluxation is the term applied to a vertebra which has lost its normal position and/or motion in relation to neighboring vertebrae. Vertebrae which do not function properly within the spinal framework generate mechanical stress. This accelerates the wear and tear on the surrounding spinal muscles, ligaments, discs, joint and other spinal tissues. Pain, palpatory tenderness, inflammation, decreased spinal mobility, and muscle spasm and hypertonicity will eventually follow.

Additionally, because of the direct mechanical and physiological relationship between the spinal column and the nerve system, vertebral subluxations as well as other spinal abnormalities have the potential to impair proper nerve functioning. Once nerve functioning is compromised, communication within the body becomes less effective jeopardizing the overall health and wellness of the individual.

Is it safe for children to have their vertebrae adjusted by a chiropractor? 

     Absolutely! Pediatric chiropractic is safe, gentle, and effective. Getting a child's spine checked regularly may make the difference between a child being healthy and being regularly sick.  

Once I get adjusted by the chiropractor, do I have to keep coming back?

     How long you decide to benefit from chiropractic care is always up to you. In the begining, frequent visits are usually needed to relieve symptoms and begin the healing process. After your symptoms have improved, corrective care still is needed to help stabilize the spine and promote complete healing. When maximum improvement is reached, periodic check-ups are recommended. Stopping in a couple times a year helps you stay well and can detect problems before the become serious. 


These handsome brothers are checking for proper alignment!

These handsome brothers are checking for proper alignment!

Chiropractic...fun for the entire family!

Chiropractic...fun for the entire family!